FRANCE ITALY / Franco-Italian committee: 8 projects chosen

cncThe committee met in Paris on April 16th. Following a call for applications by the CNC (Centre national du cinéma) and MIBACT (General Directorate of Cinema Italian Ministry of Culture), 27 proposals had been sent in (9 French-initiated and 18 Italian-initiated). Of those, 8 will receive funding: 4 Italian and 4 French.

The fund was created in May 2013 by an agreement signed at Cannes between the CNC and the MIBACT and “is intended to encourage cooperation as far upstream as possible between co-writers and co-producers from the two countries, to foster a rich artistic development, taking elements from the cultures and ideas of both countries. It has an annual budget of €500,000 coming equally from the CNC and the MIBACT.”

The Italian-initiated projects are Marco Petteleno’s “40%”, Massimilio Zanin’s “Contre vent”, “Sicilian Ghost” by Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio Piazza and “Perfect Season” by Vittorio Moroni. The French-initiated projects are Chiara Malta and Sébastien Laudenbach’s “Linda veut du poulet”, “Noir et blanc” by Annarita Zambrano, “Sème le vent” by Danilo Caputo and Simone Massi and Alessio Torino’s “Trois enfances”.

A new call for projects has been launched for a session which will be held in Italy in September 2015. Applications must be sent by email before June 30th 2015. More information on the French-initiated projects here, and for the Italian-initiated projects here.

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