FRANCE GERMANY / Alger Confidential : camera and action for Arte

Alger Confidential

Since mid-February Arte’s new series, Alger Confidential, has been filming in Germany and Morocco, and will continue until April 9th. The director is Frédéric Jardin (Braquo, Engrenages) and the scripts are written by Abdel Raouf Dafri (Un prophète, Mesrine).

Alger Confidential, a mini-series of four 45-minute episodes, is adapted from Olivier Bottini’s novel Paix à leurs armes. It centres on a forbidden love story between a police inspector attached to the German Embassy and an Algerian judge. When an arms dealer is kidnapped, they are faced with a conflict of interest which will put their love to the test.

The cast includes Ken Duen (The Lion woman), Hania Amar (Le Caire Confidentiel), Dali Benssalah (Les Sauvages), Anna Schudt (The Man who Jumped Cars) and Raphael Acloque (Humans).

At present there is no transmission date.

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