The aim of the association Femmes & Cinéma is to improve the status and image of women working in the world of culture. It is particularly active in the film world, where stereotyping and inequalities still exist.
For the past two years, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, the association has supported a teaching project in lycées to make students aware of gender equality.
Regards de femmes (Women’s Viewpoint) is a call for films. Students are encouraged to deconstruct gender stereotypes through artistic expression.
With their teachers, classes will choose a scenario from the list on offer. Then each class decides how to adapt the scenario, putting together a presentation folder. A jury of film professionals will be formed to choose 5 projects and the classes selected will each make a short film, accompanied by Femmes & Cinéma. The films will be shown on the France Televisions’ programme Court.
This call for films is for pupils and teachers at lycées attached to the Academies of Nice, Aix-Marseille, Créteil and Versailles.
Deadline for sending your applications: December 10th 2019
For more information, or to register your class: http://www.regardsdefemmes.org/regards-de-femmes/