ALGERIA / The Ministry of Art and Culture organises a documentary film competition

On June 24th the Ministry of Art and Culture launched a competition for documentary films with the theme “Documentary film…memory and image meet” to document and describe Algeria’s cultural wealth.

Ministère de la Culture et des Arts Algérien

The competition is open to documentary film-makers of all ages, amateur or professional. There are 3 awards: Best Screenplay, Best Director and Best Documentary.

The films submitted must be about Algeria’s intangible heritage, whether oral expression or the arts of physical expression – festivities and rituals, authentic traditional arts such as carpet weaving, textiles, clothing, etc. gastronomy and / or traditional dishes. The films must have been produced between 2020 and 2021 and must not exceed 30 minutes.

The deadline for registration is July 24th via email:

For more information on the audiovisual news in Algeria, click here.


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