ITALY / The new Pixar “Luca” off the Italian Riviera

The new animated film from Pixar, “Luca” takes us to the heart of 1950’s Italy, off the Italian Riviera. In the depths of the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, Luca and Alberto, two young adolescent merpeople, living in the sea, stung by curiosity, venture onto dry land and take human form to discover the world of humans. With their new friend, a little girl named Giulia who has no idea who they really are, they explore the village of Portorosso. A nice nod from Pixar to the colourful Italian village featured in Studio Ghibli’s Porco Rosso.

For the two companions, danger lurks everywhere in this village where everyone hates “sea monsters”, including Giulia’s father Massimo, a fisherman. Ready to defy all prohibitions, the two friends also discover their first dish of pasta with pesto, their first gelato and – the Vespa; “There is pasta and ice cream, fountains and a bicycle, a moustachioed villain and a starry sky. It’s a little vacation with a good dose of imagination,” reports the BBC.

The trailer of “Luca”

Luca, a film inspired by folklore and local legends

Luca” is the first feature from director Enrico Casarosa, already nominated for an Oscar for his short film “La Luna”. In an interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Casarosa said: “The idea was inspired by folklore and local legends, including the ancient tale of the killer St George and the dragon, which is a symbol of Genoa.”

Pixar also brought in a team of consultants to ensure “cultural trust” and deliver to viewers a light portrait filled with subtle details about the culture of Italian seaport villages: “For example, there is a traditional way of cooking green beans and potatoes in the boiling water of the pasta,” says Casarosa.

Pixar delivers an innocent story full of sweetness; the adventures of two close friends and their coming of age during a sun-filled summer.

The film has been available on Disney + since June 18.

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