Category: Morocco

News about audiovisual in Morocco

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MOROCCO / Atoman, Wind Rider the first Moroccan super-hero film

Atoman, Wind Rider is the first Moroccan super-hero film. So with his first feature, Belgian-Moroccan director Anouar Moatassim is breaking new ground in North African and African cinema. To do this he has brought together a cast of well-known actors from Morocco, Mali, France and Belgium: rapper Lartiste will play the title role, supported by …

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MOROCCO / The CCM starts putting films online again

During the lockdown the Centre Cinématographique Marocain (CCM) announced that several films would be put online. The operation was a success, so the CCM decided to renew the initiative for the third time. The first schedules allowed audiences to access some fifty Moroccan films. The CCM recorded almost 600,000 downloads in 101 different countries. The …

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MOROCCO / SNRT adds to its services

On September 1st Morocco’s state broadcaster, La Société Nationale de Radio-Télévision (SNRT), launched a news portal in Arabic and French. A journalist, Jamal El Khanoussi, is running the new project. There are other digital services in the pipeline since SNRT wants to strengthen its overall offer on the Internet. Sources :http://www.maghreb-intelligence.com Other articles about Morocco

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MOROCCO / Filming starts agains

In a statement the CCM (Centre Cinématographique Marocain) announced that the authorities have lifted the restrictions on audiovisual and film-making activities so that filming can now resume. At the end of June the CCM published a guide on the health guidelines to follow. To make this return to work successful there are strict rules to …

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NORTH AFRICA MIDDLE EAST / Selection of Arab short films at the Palm Springs International ShortFest

Eight Arab films have been selected by one of the United States’ largest short film festivals, the Palm Springs International ShortFest. It will take place online from June 16th to 22nd and show more than 300 films. Henet Ward by Egyptian director Morad Mostafa is nominated in the Best Live-Action Short category. The film follows …

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MOROCCO / Five directors capture everyday life during the lock-down

The lock-down was a creative time for several Mediterranean directors. In Morocco, the creative studio JAWJAB, in partnership with International Media Support, wanted to encourage film-makers to express themselves about this period. JAWJAB deputy general manager Younes Lazrak said the project’s aim was to record artists’ visions of the lock-down through their images. He added …

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WORLD / We Are One, a Global Festival

We Are One: A Global Film Festival is an online event designed to counteract the many festival cancellations which have happened since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. The idea for the event originated from a dialogue between the Tribeca Festival and YouTube, then several other festivals responded, with around twenty now joining the event, …

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