Category: Greece

News about audiovisual in Greece

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GREECE / Drops of Breath: A dance company presents an under-water show

For the first time ever, choreographers Sophie Bulbulyan (Compagnie DK-BEL, France) and Apostolia Papadamaki (Quasi-Stellar Company, Greece), in collaboration with Lia Haraki (Pelma Company, Cyprus), together with a team of ten collaborating countries (Germany, Cyprus, Spain, France, Greece, Hungary, Lebanon, Netherlands, Portugal and Sweden) are presenting an under-water visual-dance performance with some of the audience …

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FRANCE GREECE / Support for 5 Franco-Greek projects by the CNC

As part of the development fund for Franco-Greek co-productions set up by Frédérique Bredin in Cannes in May 2014, the Franco-Greek committee has continued its task of developing cinema co-productions between France and Greece: the films must be at least 60 minutes or longer, any genre (drama, animation, documentary), and aiming for a first release …

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GREECE / The return of ERT

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Alexis Tsipras’ radical left-wing government Syriza has kept its promise: at 6.00 am on June 11th, ERT, the acronym of the Greek public service radio and television, returned to TV screens, exactly two years after its sudden closure in 2013 for economic reasons. Sources:, et  

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GREECE / Nominations to run ERT

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On April 29th the Greek Parliament adopted a law re-instating the country’s public broadcaster ERT: on May 12th the government appointed its Board of Directors. Following a call for candidates, 153 people sent in their CV. Songwriter Dionysis Tsaknis was appointed ERT chairman and journalist Lambis Tagmatarhis, managing director. He held the same job at …

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GREECE / The return of ERT

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The sudden closure in 2013 of the Greek public broadcaster ERT for economic reasons shocked many. On February 8th, during his policy speech to the new Greek parliament, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced legislation would be passed to reopen ERT, calling the closure “a crime against the Greeks and against democracy.” On the 27th the …

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GREECE / Arrival of i24news

i24news, the international news channel broadcast in French, English and Arabic continues to expand across Europe. Launched in July 2013 by Patrick Drahi, and already available with major operators in Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, and Africa, the channel has just signed a broadcasting agreement with Forthnet, owner of the …

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