GREECE / The Thessaloniki Festival has a new director

Following Dmitry Eipides’ resignation, which he announced in January, the Thessaloniki Festival’s Board of Directors have appointed Elise Jalladeau to run the event.
Madame Jalladeau is French but knows Greece very well, since she was broadcasting attaché to the French Embassy in Athens, organizing a French Film Festival in the Greek capital. From 2011 to 2015, she was also on the committee responsible for the Greek Film Centre.
Her career began in France as a producer at Charivari Films, a coordinator of the training workshop Produire Au Sud, and a collaborator at Memento Films and European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs.
Now she will run the Thessaloniki Festival which takes place in two parts: a Documentary Festival in March (the 18th edition has just ended) and a Film Festival in November.
New Artistic Directors will soon be appointed for both events, although Dimitri Eipides has said he would like to remain Artistic Director of the Documentary Festival.
Sources: ScreenDaily, Cineuropa

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