Category: France

News about audiovisual in France

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FRANCE / Help for cinema documentary distributors

The Documentaire Sur Grand Ecran association has set up a support fund for distributors of documentary films. Through this fund the association hopes to prevent any difficulties distributors may experience when cinemas reopen. The association was created in 1991 to promote documentary films and their cinema distribution in France and French-speaking countries. To help the …

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FRANCE / Le DRIVE-IN festival begins

Le DRIVE-IN FESTIVAL was created during the Coronavirus crisis by a group working in the culture sector. They decided to do something about the fact that cinemas remain closed. Combining their resources they created a travelling, socially-aware festival to help cinemas keep in touch with audiences. The key is a drive-in cinema: a giant screen …

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WORLD / We Are One, a Global Festival

We Are One: A Global Film Festival is an online event designed to counteract the many festival cancellations which have happened since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. The idea for the event originated from a dialogue between the Tribeca Festival and YouTube, then several other festivals responded, with around twenty now joining the event, …

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FRANCE / France Télévisions continues the Lumni online courses

At the end of March, France Télévisions and the Ministry of National Education undertook Nation apprenante (Learning Nation), an online educational programme which uses their Lumni courses to ensure educational continuity as well as distance learning. Despite the easing of lock-down announced in France from May 11th and the reopening of schools, France 4 will …

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FRANCE / New releases on Amazon Prime Video

Following the new additions to the Netflix catalogue, it’s now Amazon Prime Video’s turn to expand its offer. This month six films by Agnès Varda will be available online: Cléo de 5 à 7 (1962), L’une chante, l’autre pas (1977), Le Bonheur (1965), Les Cent et Une nuits de Simon Cinéma (1995), La pointe courte …

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FRANCE / Special lockdown programming of PriMed

At this time when a large part of the Mediterranean population is confined, the CMCA, organiser of the PriMed, wants to (re) discover some of the films chosen for the 2018 and 2019 festivals. Many directors have agreed to put their films online, free of charge, on the PriMed Facebook page. From April 28th to …

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SPAIN FRANCE / Netflix comes to the help of the film industry

Having made a partnership with the Italian Film Commissions, Netflix is continuing to support broadcasting professionals around the world. In Spain all filming has been stopped for over a month and discussions about government aid for the people working in the industry are difficult. So, to prevent a crisis, the American platform is investing a …

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