Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

ITALY / First scenes in the can for Mario Martone’s new film

On August 21st Mario Martone (“L’amour meurtri”, “Frères d’Italie”) began shooting his seventh full-length feature “Capri – Batterie”. Filming is scheduled to last eight weeks, split between the island of Capri and the Cilento region in Italy, south of Salerno, where in 2010 the Neapolitan director shot “Frères d’Italie”. The screenplay for his new film …

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GREECE SERBIA / Signature of a co-operation agreement for cinema films

During the Sarajevo Film Festival in August, Film Centre Serbia (FCS) and the Greek Film Centre (GFC) signed an agreement to work together and share distribution costs. The two countries’ film centres have agreed to set up the means to help distribute Serbian films in Greece and vice versa. For example, the FCS will cover …

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MOROCCO / Making a film about the fervour generated by Barça and Real

The Moroccan director Abdelilah El Jaouhari is currently filming his second full-length feature, “Hala Madrid Visca Barça” in Marrakesh. The film shows how the rivalry between the two Spanish football clubs FC Barcelona and Real Madrid can unleash passions even in the working class districts of Morocco. Filming started in early July and continued through …

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ALBANIA / Creation of a film market for the Balkans

Created by Albania’s national film centre, QKK, the first Balkan Film Market will take place in Tirana from October 2nd to 7th 2017. The QKK wants to use this film market to build bridges between broadcasters in the Balkans and their colleagues across the rest of Europe. Among the events planned during the Market is …

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SPAIN / A window on Mediterranean cinema at Valencia

The Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly Foundation (MCAF) has just launched “Cinema Mediterrani als Arago” in Valencia (Spain), a monthly opportunity to view films produced in the Mediterranean. In cooperation with the Cinema Arago, the Mostra Viva del Mediterrani (Valencia Mediterranean Film Festival), the Tres Culturas del Mediterraneo foundation and the Casa Árabe, the MCAF will screen …

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FRANCE / Œil d’or award at the Cannes Film Festival

The Œil d’or (Golden Eye), is awarded to the best documentary shown in any of the different sections of the Cannes Film Festival. This year it was won by Visages, Villages by Agnès Varda and the artist JR. On May 27th Rosalie Varda, the film’s producer and daughter of Agnès Varda, was present to receive …

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FRANCE GREECE /Signature of a new agreement for Franco-Greek co-productions

At the 70th Cannes Film Festival, the Greek Film Centre (GFC) and the French Centre National du Cinéma (CNC) renewed a three-year agreement to finance Franco-Greek co-productions. A first agreement was signed for the period 2014-2016. This was followed by an agreement for 2017, now this latest contract has extended the duration of the co-production …

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