Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

FRANCE / Arte broadcasts “Alger, la Mecque des révolutionnaires”

  This new documentary about the accumulation of foreign revolutionary movements in Algiers between 1962 and 1974 will be broadcast on May 16th on the Franco-German channel Arte. Directed by Mohamed Ben Slama, “Alger, la Mecque des révolutionnaires” reveals “a defining episode in international history, unknown to the general public”, in the words of the …

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GREECE / The Greek Film Centre will support 26 film projects

The Greek Film Centre has announced it will help finance an additional three film projects from the applications received between May 1st and July 31st 2016. A total of 26 film projects were chosen for the third and final aid package of 2016. Two of the additional projects selected for 2016 will be included in …

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ISRAEL / Focus on Hadas Ben Aroya’s film People That Are Not Me

People That Are Not Me, Hadas Ben Aroya’s first feature film, shines on the international stage. Having been selected at festivals in Locarno, Haifa and Créteil, it has just won the Talents Award at Barcelona’s 2017 D’A Festival. People That Are Not Me is about a young woman, Joy, who cannot forget her former partner. …

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CYPRUS / Rosemarie wins first prize at the Cyprus Film Days

“Cyprus Film Days” is the country’s most important film event. The 15th session took place from April 27th to May 6th in Limassol and Nicosia. For the first time since the festival’s creation a Cypriot film won first prize. Adonis Florides’ Rosemarie received the “Glocal Images” Best Film Award in the international competition. The film …

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MALTA / A budget increase for the “Malta Film Fund”

The Malta Film Commission has announced that for the first time the Malta Film Fund will receive a total budget of €300,000. The Fund awards seven different grants: two for development funding, one for production, two for short films and two for distribution, including registration fees for international festivals. The reason for the budget increase …

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LEBANON / Nadine Labaki’s 3rd feature in post-production

  After Caramel and Maintenant on va où ? the Lebanese film director Nadine Labaki completed shooting her latest feature film in Beirut in March. Carphanaüm, a provisional title, is about children’s rights. Preparation for the film took three years, much of which Labaki spent with abused children. She went to detention centres, juvenile courts, even …

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NORTH AFRICA / Panorama des cinémas du Maghreb et du Moyen-Orient highlights women directors

The 12th PCMMO runs until May 14th in Paris and Seine Saint-Denis. Of the 53 films shown, 31 are made by women. Indeed this festival has always encouraged and supported women’s cinema. This year’s guest of honour is Hiam Abbass, a Palestinian actress and director who also stars in A mon âge, je me cache …

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