Category: CINEMA

All about cinema in Mediterranean

ITALY / Minerva Pictures puts 100 films online

The Italian production and distribution company Minerva Pictures has decided to make some films available free of charge. In the context of the confinement imposed in several European countries, around a hundred feature films of all kinds are now available on the internet. Ginluca Curti, Minerva’s CEO, said, “Primarily as citizens, not just as digital …

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MOROCCO / 7th Cap Spartel Film Festival

Organised by the Observatoire marocain de l’image et des médias, the 7th Cap Spartel Film Festival will run from March 18th to 21st. This year, “Cinema and human rights” will be the topic discussed at Tangier’s Rif Cinematheque. Each year the Cap Spartel Film Festival focusses on a country and its films. This year Czech …

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SPAIN / El Hierro voted best European film location

During the European Film Market the Spanish island of El Hierro (one of the Canary Islands) received the EUFCN Location Award for best European location in the film and television industries. The European Film Commissions Network created this award in 2017. To choose the winner, ten locations had been selected by a jury and then …

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CROATIA / Meeting of the Eurimages Board of Directors

The 158th meeting of the Eurimages Board of Directors will take place in Zagreb from March 16th to 20th. The previous meeting was last December in Berlin, during which sixteen projects were given production funding. Eurimages is the Council of Europe’s Cultural Fund. Created in 1989, it brings together 38 of the Union’s member states …

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MOROCCO / Redemption Day, a Moroccan block-buster

On May 22nd 2019 Hicham Hajji climbed the famous steps at the Cannes festival to present images from his new project, Redemption Day. A year later, the Moroccan producer/director showed extracts of his first feature film to potential buyers at the 70th Berlin Film Festival. During his various public appearances, Hicham Hajji has always presented …

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MOROCCO / Clebs wins awards at the Berlinale

Halima Ouardir’s new film, Clebs [Dogs], won the Crystal Bear for Best Short Film at this year’s Berlin Film Festival. “The dogs’ coats – brown, beige, black and white – blend with the ochre of the earth and the sun-drenched walls. Quiet when they’re resting, the place becomes deafening at feeding time when the animals …

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ALGERIA / Call for the Khenchela cinematheque to re-open

The Journées cinématographiques de Khenchela took place from February 18th to 22nd, under the banner “The Emancipating Revolution – as seen through Algerian films”. To open up a wider debate and create a culture of community sharing, film screenings were organised in several communes: notably at Tamaza, Kaïs and Chechar. During the closing ceremony, there …

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