Category: Algeria

News about audiovisual in Algeria

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FRANCE / INA and FMM train North African journalists

In October the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) and the Académie France Médias Monde hosted 36 journalists from North Africa for two weeks of training, according to a joint press release. Entitled “Theory and practice in France”, the session was conducted in Arabic and French to technicians and journalists under 40 years old from Morocco, …

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ALGERIA / Côté Courts Maghreb 2015: call for applications

This year the 13th Rencontres Cinématographiques at Bejaïa in Algeria, organized by the Project’heurts association, will take place between September 5th and 11th. For the last eight years the Rencontres have included Côté Courts, a training workshop for short film screen-writing. This workshop is for Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian author-directors, wanting to consolidate their screenplay …

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ALGERIA / KBC receives a warning

Ali Djerri, director of the private TV station KBC (El Khabar TV) has received a verbal warning from the Algerian broadcasting watchdog, ARAV. At issue: “the repeated infringements by two programmes – “Allô oui” and “Jornan el-gosto” – in which names and symbols of the state and senior officials in different structures and institutions of …

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ALGERIA / Government threat to close private television stations

In a statement the ministry of communications has warned the heads of some private television channels (Ennahar TV, Echorouk TV, Dzair TV, DjazairiaTV and El Hogar TV) about broadcasting violent programmes and trivializing violence. The Algerian government has asked the heads of these channels, “to immediately take strict measures” to remove from the programme schedules …

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ALGERIA / “Creating the Cinémathèque Algérienne”: exhibition and screenings

drapeau de l'Algérie

Founded in January 1965, the Cinematheque of Algiers is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. To mark the event, the Centre Algérien pour la Cinématographie (CAC), the Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement Culturel (AARC) and the Algiers Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MAMA), have organized an exhibition entitled “La Saga de la création de …

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ALGERIA / Constantine 2015 : When cinema stirs up the past

For 2015 Constantine has become “Arab Culture Capital”, an event which allows the city to breathe new life into its cultural institutions and showcase Algerian history and culture across the Arab world. During the event there will also be a frenzy of film production in the city, with fifteen films (shorts and feature films, dramas …

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ALGERIA / A charter for the Oran Festival of Arab Film

drapeau de l'Algérie

Brahim Seddiki, the festival’s commissioner, announced that the 8th Oran Festival of Arab Film will start on June 3rd. The Algerian film-maker Mohammed Lakhdar Hamina will be honorary chairman. The commissioner also announced that “a charter for the Oran Festival of Arab Film is being drawn up. It will establish a set of traditions for …

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