ALGERIA / A Conference on cinema production in Constantine


The Ministry of Culture’s Film Department is taking advantage of the event «Constantine, 2015 capital of Arab culture», to organize a symposium on the conditions and problems facing Algerian film production.

In partnership with the Centre National du Cinéma Algérien (CNCA) and the Centre Algérien du Développement (CADC), the symposium took place on March 5th and 6th at the Mohamed Al-Khalifa Laïd Palace of Culture in Constantine.

The key issue was the difficult period the Algerian cinema is currently going through due, among other things, to production problems. Despite its fifty years of history, Algerian cinema has room for improvement.

The symposium had several objectives: understanding the constraints on the Algerian cinema, addressing the difficulties facing directors and technicians working there and then considering the controls exercised by the official commissions.

These objectives were addressed through a programme drawn up by the organizers. There were several workshops on evaluating budgets, on scripts, technology and sound.

Source : Dia-Algérie

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