ARAB WORLD / MAD Solutions launches MAD World

MAD World

MAD Solutions is expanding. It has announced the creation of a new branch dedicated to international sales of Arab films. This new venture will be launched during the 77th Cannes Film Festival.

Based in Dubai, the MAD group’s new company will be led by Alaa Karkouti and Maher Diab, with Colin Brown as the third managing partner. Where MAD Distribution looks after the Middle East and North Africa, MAD World will distribute their films across the rest of the world. Their catalogue also contains a large library of award-winning films – features and shorts.

As Alaa Karkouti and Maher Diab explain in a press release: “With MAD World we have created a platform dedicated to exporting Arab films in all their diversity, both in terms of subjects and local sensitivities.”

For its launch in Cannes, the MAD World team will present twelve films including Laila Abbas’ Thank You for Banking With Us! (Palestine), The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rani Massalha (Egypt) and Murad Ben Cheik’s A Bird From Paradise (Tunisia).

Sources: Broadcast Pro, Variety, MAD World

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