SERBIA / Miloš Jaćimović makes his first feature-length documentary

Sunset de Miloš Jaćimović
Sunset de Miloš Jaćimović

Serbian cinematographer Miloš Jaćimović has begun post-production on his first feature-length documentary Sunset.

Co-produced by Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia, the film is set in a physical therapy centre in Montenegro which takes in patients from all over the world. Its particular geopolitical location makes it a bridge between disparate worlds, people and ideas.

Based in New York, Miloš Jaćimović has worked as director of photography on numerous films, including the Croatian feature The Uncle (2022) by David Kapac and Andrija Mardešić. In 2020 the Serbian Cinematographers Association awarded him the Best Cinematography Award for his work on Ivan Ikic’s Oasis.

Sunset is due for completion this September.

Sources: Film New Europe, Miloš Jaćimović

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