164 results for turkey

TURKEY / Huge but controversial success for the Netflix Turkish series, “Bir Başkadir”

Bir Baskadir

Netflix’s new series “Bir Başkadır” (“unique” in Turkish, “Ethos” the English title) is being talked about everywhere in Turkey. Released on November 12th 2020, this drama series plunges viewers into the heart of the social, cultural and religious issues currently dividing the country. Over eight episodes the interweaving stories of 12 characters provide a panorama of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-huge-but-controversial-success-for-the-netflix-turkish-series-bir-baskadir/?lang=en

TURKEY / The Antalya Film Forum

The Antalya Film Forum is the film market for the Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival. The festival itself is scheduled from October 3rd – 10th, with the Forum taking place online from October 5th – 7th, offering an international audience 29 projects at different stages of production. The different pitching categories are:feature films in developmentdramas …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-the-antalya-film-forum/?lang=en

TURKEY / Cuties not allowed to broadcast

Franco-Senegalese scriptwriter and director Maïmouna Doucouré has completed her first feature film, Mignonnes (Cuties). 11-year-old Amy comes across a group of adult-style twerking dancers nicknamed “Cuties”. Intrigued, Amy learns to dance like them, wanting to join their clique and escape her family problems. Trailer The film, which won awards at Sundance and Berlin, was released …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-cuties-not-allowed-to-broadcast/?lang=en

TURKEY / Results from the International Migration Film Festival

From June 14th to 21st Turkey hosted the International Migration Film Festival, although due to the health situation this year’s event took place online. Over fifty films were screened and hundreds of film-makers, members of the press and participants were able to meet remotely. More than 30 million people viewed the films on the Festival …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-results-from-the-international-migration-film-festival/?lang=en

TURKEY / Foreign sales of Dirilis Ertugrul high

Dirilis Ertugrul is a Turkish television series about Ertugrul Gazi, a Turkish chieftain who laid the foundations for the creation of the Ottoman Empire. Produced by Mehmet Bozdag, the first episode was broadcast back in 2014. Over 5 years 150 episodes have been broadcast on TRT1, the leading Turkish public television channel. The series is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-foreign-sales-of-dirilis-ertugrul-high/?lang=en

TURKEY / Zuhal completes post-production

Zuhal is the first feature by Turkish film-maker Nazlı Elif Durlu. Having made three short films, Trust Me (2009), Later (2012) and The Horse and the Nightingale (2013), this is her first longer project. Zuhal is about a lawyer of the same name living alone in Istanbul. Although her life is well ordered, she is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-zuhal-completes-post-production/?lang=en

TURKEY / 12th International TRT Documentary Awards

Once again Turkish public television (TRT) is organizing its International TRT Documentary Awards, created in 2009. On the one hand the festival wants to make the documentary genre better known to the general public, helping them discover films from different countries, and on the other hand it is there to help broadcasting professionals develop their …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-12th-international-trt-documentary-awards/?lang=en