157 results for arab world

JORDAN / The 4th Mosalsalat Screenwriters Lab has finished

Royal Film Commission

Organized by the Royal Film Commission, the 4th Mosalsalat Screenwriters Lab was held from May 24th to 29th in Azraq, Jordan. Launched in 2019, the Mosalsalat Screenwriters Lab offers workshops for script-writers from the Arab world, helping them create television projects by providing a team of specialists to support and advise project leaders as they …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-the-4th-mosalsalat-screenwriters-lab-has-finished/?lang=en

EGYPT / The al-Ahram studios devastated by a fire

Drapeau Egypte

On the night of March 15th to March 16th a fire broke out in Cairo’s historic al-Ahram studios. Spotted after the filming of a Ramadan soap opera, the fire ravaged the entire studio and spread to neighbouring buildings and dwellings. According to Al-Ahram Hebdo, the public prosecutor’s office has appointed a group of experts to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-the-al-ahram-studios-devastated-by-a-fire/?lang=en

EGYPT / The 6th El Gouna Film Festival opens


During a press conference, the organisers of the El Gouna Film Festival announced the films for the 6th edition which will be held from October 27th to November 2nd. This international festival specialises in discovering new voices while also being a catalyst for developing film-production in the Arab world. 14 films will be shown in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-the-6th-el-gouna-film-festival-opens/?lang=en

JORDAN / Mosalsalat Screenwriters Lab closes

Royal Film Commission

The 3rd Mosalsalat Screenwriters Lab (MSL), organized by Jordan’s Royal Film Commission, took place from May 29th to June 2nd at the Azraq Wetland Reserve in eastern Jordan. An annual event, the Mosalsalat Screenwriters Lab is one of the first workshops for writers and creators of television series from the Arab world. It gives the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-mosalsalat-screenwriters-lab-closes/?lang=en

EGYPT / This year’s Cairo International Film Festival


The organizers of the Cairo International Film Festival (CIFF) have announced that the 45th edition will be held from November 15th to 24th. CIFF is one of the oldest and most regular festivals in the Arab world and Africa, with Hussein Fahmy the current president and Amir Ramses, a film-maker, the artistic director. It is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-this-years-cairo-international-film-festival/?lang=en

MIDDLE-EAST / Netflix and MEMI give a bursary to script-writers


In a recent press release, Netflix and the Middle East Media Initiative (MEMI) announced they are awarding a bursary to four writers from the MEMI summer programme. Every year MEMI selects a dozen writers from the Middle East and invites them to Los Angeles for five weeks to help them develop their ideas for series. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/middle-east-netflix-and-memi-give-a-bursary-to-script-writers/?lang=en

Jordan / Filming starts for the series “Talal Street”


The Jordanian Arab Telemedia Group has announced the start of filming for its new series Talal Street, timed to coincide with the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Jordan’s creation. Innovative and daring in concept, Talal Street is planned to run for 9 seasons of 10 episodes. Set in Amman, it opens in 1953 during …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-filming-starts-for-the-series-talal-street/?lang=en