31 results for italie

ITALY FRANCE / Mediawan ready for the second stage of buying Palomar


In mid-January the French media group Mediawan announced it had bought a majority stake in Palomar (read our article here). Italy’s largest independent producer, Palomar sold 53% of its capital during an initial acquisition phase, finalized at the end of February and announced in a press release. By the end of the second stage, Mediawan …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-france-mediawan-ready-for-the-second-stage-of-buying-palomar/?lang=en

SPAIN / 7th Barcelona Festival of Italian Cinema

Festival de Cinéma Italien de Barcelona

For a few days in December the Catalan city became the capital of Italian cinema, with the 7th Barcelona Festival of Italian Cinema. From the 14th to 18th Spanish audiences could watch the best recent Italian films, with a selection of 10 features and 6 short films. The free screenings were followed by discussions with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/barcelona-festival-of-italian-cinema/?lang=en

ALBANIA ITALY / “Balkan Days Tirana-Rome” created during the European film market

clap de cinéma

At last October’s Balkan Film Market, the Albanian Film Centre emphasised the positive effects of doing co-productions with Italy. They then decided to share their experience with the other Balkan countries. Now Montenegro, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria have all been integrated into the project. The European film market at this year’s Berlinale was …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/albania-italy-balkan-days-tirana-rome-created-during-the-european-film-market/?lang=en

FRANCE / The Italian film “Manuel” a major success at Cinémed

Dario Albertini’s Manuel won three awards at the 39th Cinémed, the festival of Mediterranean cinema in Montpellier, which ended on October 28th. The jury, chaired by French actress and director Aure Atika, awarded the Golden Antigone to this social drama directed by former documentary-maker Dario Albertini and produced by Bibi Films and Timvision. Manuel is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-the-italian-film-manuel-a-major-success-at-cinemed/?lang=en

ITALY / First scenes in the can for Mario Martone’s new film

On August 21st Mario Martone (“L’amour meurtri”, “Frères d’Italie”) began shooting his seventh full-length feature “Capri – Batterie”. Filming is scheduled to last eight weeks, split between the island of Capri and the Cilento region in Italy, south of Salerno, where in 2010 the Neapolitan director shot “Frères d’Italie”. The screenplay for his new film …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/italy-first-scenes-in-the-can-for-mario-martones-new-film/?lang=en

PriMed 2017 / Find out about all the films selected!

25 documentaries and web-documentaries have been chosen to take part in the 21st PriMed, le Festival de la Méditerranée en images, from November 19th to the 25th 2017 in Marseille. From June 6th to the 9th the selection jury worked together in the premises of the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle), which co-organises …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-find-out-about-all-the-films-selected/?lang=en

PriMed 2017 / Mediterranean Memory

The films chosen in the Mediterranean Memory category of the 21st PriMed are: – ALGER, LA MECQUE DES RÉVOLUTIONNAIRES (1962 – 1974) by Ben SALAMA – LES ANNÉES DE PLOMB, UNE TRAGÉDIE ITALIENNE by Nicolas GLIMOIS – L’HÉRITAGE DE FRANCO, LES ENFANTS VOLÉS D’ESPAGNE by Inga BREMER – NÉ À DEIR YASSIN by Neta SHOSHANI …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-mediterranean-memory/?lang=en