223 results for Egypt

LEBANON / 11th anniversary of the Samir Kassir Award

2016 marks the 11th anniversary of the first Samir Kassir Award for Press Freedom in the Lebanon and Middle East. On Monday February 8th Christina Lassen, the European Union’s ambassador to the Lebanon, launched the 2016 edition of the Samir Kassir Award for Press Freedom. Created in 2006 by the European Union, this award commemorates …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-11th-anniversary-of-the-samir-kassir-award/?lang=en

BULGARIA / Henri Maillot in the limelight at the Menar Film Festival

The film “Opération Maillot” was shown at the 8th Menar Film Festival. Directed by the Algerian Okasha Touita, it’s about a junior French army officer, Henri Maillot, who deserted during the Algerian war for independence, taking with him an important stock of arms for the Algerian guerilla fighters.

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/henri-maillot-in-the-limelight-at-the-menar-film-festival/?lang=en

PriMed 2015: the awards

“Voyage en Barbarie” by Cécile Allegra and Delphine Deloget, won the Documentary Grand Prix – Mediterranean Issues. This heart-rending film about the trade in humans in the Sinai made a big impact on the jury chaired by Reda Benjelloun, head of news magazines and documentaries at 2M. “Speed Sisters” by Amber Fares and “Patience, patience, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2015-the-awards/?lang=en

ALGERIA / A co-production with Tunisia about Saint Augustine

On November 21st the Algerian Minister of Culture, Azzedine Mihoubi, announced that shooting had begun for a feature film about Saint Augustine, a co-production with Tunisia. The film is being directed by Egyptian director Samir Seif. It will be “on cinema screens before the end of 2016”, said the Minister, who added that the project …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/algeria-a-co-production-with-tunisia-about-saint-augustine/?lang=en

USA / An inventory of internet freedom in the Mediterranean

On October 28th the Washington-based NGO, Freedom House, published its annual report on internet freedom in the world. Presented as a map, it gives an overview of the state of internet freedoms in the Mediterranean, assigning scores of 0 (total freedom) to 100 (no freedom) for each State. Syria (87) and Egypt (61) are rated …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/usa-an-inventory-of-internet-freedom-in-the-mediterranean/?lang=en

FRANCE / Cinema Middle East and debates in Paris

2015 sees the return of the biennial festival “The Middle East: What the Cinema Can Do” from November 20th to 29th in Paris, at the Les 3 Luxembourg cinema. This year 40 films will be screened, many for the first time in France. The festival will open with Amir Shomali’s animated documentary “The Wanted 18”, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-cinema-middle-east-and-debates-in-paris/?lang=en

TURKEY / Morgan Freeman filming a documentary series

In mid-October, Turkey played host to the crew filming the National Geographic Channel’s new documentary series “The Story of God” “which traces Man’s quest to understand the divine”. Sequences were filmed in the Neolithic town of Çatal Höyük in the province of Konya. American actor Morgan Freeman, who is presenting the series and producing with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/turkey-morgan-freeman-filming-a-documentary-series/?lang=en