157 results for arab world

Selection for PriMed 2016 : Mediterranean Issues category

The following is the selection for PriMed 2016 in the Mediterranean Issues category : – AUBE DORÉE, UNE AFFAIRE PERSONNELLE by Angélique KOUROUNIS – DAESH, PAROLES DE DÉSERTEURS by Thomas DANDOIS and François-Xavier TREGAN – LA GRANJA DEL PAS by Silvia MUNT – NAPOLISLAM by Ernesto PAGANO PriMed is the International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/selection-for-primed-2016-mediterranean-issues-category/?lang=en

ISRAEL / i24News begins its new schedule

Since January 10th the news channel i24News, broadcasting from Israel in French, English and Arabic, has a new programme schedule, conceived and put in place by journalist Paul Amar, who since since September last year has been the channel’s Head of News. He also presents one of i24news’ new magazines, “Paris / Jaffa” every Sunday …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/israel-i24news-begins-its-new-schedule/?lang=en

FRANCE / The CMCA shows 2 films during Documentary Film Month

This November is the 16th Documentary Film Month – an annual event organised by the French Ministry of Culture and the Institut français for showing documentary films in cultural, social and educational venues in France and 39 countries across the world. The CMCA, in partnership with Marseille’s Alcazar Library, has organized free screenings of two …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/the-cmca-shows-2-films-during-documentary-film-month/?lang=en

LEBANON / Retrospective of Lebanese producers: “Deuxième Rencontre”

In 2012 Euromed hosted a round table on the Lebanese film industry and its productions. Although the Lebanon is reputed to be the second country for Arab cinema after Egypt, the films produced there are still struggling to get shown either locally or internationally. At that meeting Ghassan Abou Chacra, a film industry consultant to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-retrospective-of-lebanese-producers-deuxieme-rencontre/?lang=en

LEBANON / France Médias Monde strengthens its presence in the Lebanon

According to a statement from France Media Monde, the group is strengthening its presence in the Lebanon. With the support of the Lebanese French Institute, a series of agreements was concluded during a visit to Beirut in early April by Marie-Christine Saragosse, chair and CEO of France Media Monde and Marc Saikali, director of France …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-france-medias-monde-strengthens-its-presence-in-the-lebanon/?lang=en

FRANCE / Ecrans de Babel in collaboration with the CMCA and PriMed

Babel Med Music will be extended with a selection of films and documentaries about world music to be screened on March 26th and 27th. The rendez-vous is at the heart of Babel, on the mezzanine of Dock des Suds Free entry This is the programme, worked out in collaboration with the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/ecrans-de-babel-in-collaboration-with-the-cmca-and-primed/?lang=en

MOROCCO / Call for films for the 7th FIDADOC

The 7th International Documentary Film Festival in Agadir will take place from May 4th to 9th 2015. The festival is exclusively for documentaries. This year there are three categories: one is the “International Competition”, open to 52-minute films from around the world, completed in 2014 (and not seen in Morocco); a second is “Panorama”, covering …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/morocco-call-for-films-for-the-7th-fidadoc/?lang=en