157 results for arab world

PriMed 2017 / Find out about all the films selected!

25 documentaries and web-documentaries have been chosen to take part in the 21st PriMed, le Festival de la Méditerranée en images, from November 19th to the 25th 2017 in Marseille. From June 6th to the 9th the selection jury worked together in the premises of the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle), which co-organises …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-find-out-about-all-the-films-selected/?lang=en

PriMed 2017 / Mediterranean Issues

The films chosen in the Mediterranean Issues category for the 21st PriMed are: – CHILD MOTHER by Yael KIPPER and Ronen ZARETZKY – IF I CLOSE MY EYES by Francesca MANNOCCHI and Alessio ROMENZI – NÉ EN SYRIE by Hernán ZIN – SYRIE, LE CRI ÉTOUFFÉ by Manon LOIZEAU and Annick COJEAN The 21st PriMed (Prix …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-mediterranean-issues/?lang=en

PriMed 2017 / Mediterranean Memory

The films chosen in the Mediterranean Memory category of the 21st PriMed are: – ALGER, LA MECQUE DES RÉVOLUTIONNAIRES (1962 – 1974) by Ben SALAMA – LES ANNÉES DE PLOMB, UNE TRAGÉDIE ITALIENNE by Nicolas GLIMOIS – L’HÉRITAGE DE FRANCO, LES ENFANTS VOLÉS D’ESPAGNE by Inga BREMER – NÉ À DEIR YASSIN by Neta SHOSHANI …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-mediterranean-memory/?lang=en

SPAIN / A window on Mediterranean cinema at Valencia

The Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly Foundation (MCAF) has just launched “Cinema Mediterrani als Arago” in Valencia (Spain), a monthly opportunity to view films produced in the Mediterranean. In cooperation with the Cinema Arago, the Mostra Viva del Mediterrani (Valencia Mediterranean Film Festival), the Tres Culturas del Mediterraneo foundation and the Casa Árabe, the MCAF will screen …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/window-on-mediterranean-cinema-valencia/?lang=en

The selection jury for the 21st PriMed meets from June 6th to 9th

A jury of broadcasting professionals will meet from June 6th to 9th in Marseille to choose the films to be presented at the next PriMed, from November 19th to 25th 2017. 385 films from 40 countries have been received by the CMCA (Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle), organizer of PriMed (Prix International du Documentaire …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/selection-jury-for-21st-primed/?lang=en

MOROCCO / Call for films for the Khouribga Documentary Film Festival

The association Afifdok has launched a call to register films for the 9th Khouribga International Documentary Film Festival. Which film will follow last year’s Grand Prix winner, Sonia Ben Salama’s Franco-Tunisian “Tout est écrit”? As every year, this 9th Khouribga Festival will present fifteen Arab and international documentaries, from December 20th to 23rd 2017. Through …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/morocco-call-for-films-for-the-khouribga-documentary-film-festival/?lang=en


Welcome to the page dedicated to the current calls for applications concerning festivals, writing workshops, productions, co-productions, co-funding in the Mediterranean. This list is updated monthly by our editorial staff and offers you a selection of the most important calls. All ads are therefore concentrated in this table. A device that simplifies life and has …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/calls-for-applications/?lang=en