MOROCCO – FRANCE / Rabii Chajid’s film “Jouj” released in France


The Moroccan comedy Jouj was released in France on April 17th, distributed by Golden Afrique Ciné. The film’s initial release was in 41 cinemas across the country.

Jouj is a comedy co-written by two comedians Driss and Mehdi, and Bouchra Malek. The two central characters, Halim and Mounir, find a notebook – not realising it’s a magical notebook in which you just have to write a wish for it to come true. One evening, having been rejected from a popular nightclub by the bouncers, Halim angrily writes in it: “If only all men could disappear from Earth.” The wish is granted and the whole world finds itself without any men….except Halim and Mounir.

For Rachida Dolla, producer at Cineland, “this expansion into France marks an important step for us, affirming our desire to share our culture through cinema and to forge stronger links between Morocco and France.” Several other Cineland projects will also be distributed internationally.

Sources: Le Matin, Allocine

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