ITALY / Michele Placido’s 7 minutes and 11 women


On December 1st Italian director Michele Placido (“Romanzo criminale”, “Angel of Evil”) began shooting his twelfth film, “7 minuti”. The story is about 11 textile workers who have the difficult task of representing 200 colleagues at a crucial union meeting. They are only allowed to talk for 7 minutes to defend all the workers, threatened with dismissal. Based on true events which occurred in a French factory in the 1950s, the film transposes the action to Italy today.
With a six-week schedule, filming takes place south of Rome in Latina. “7 minuti” is an Italian-French-Swiss co-production with Goldenart, Manny Films and Ventura Film. The film has a tri-national cast of actresses: the Italians Maria Nazionale and Violante Placido, the French Clémence Poésy and the Swiss Anne Consigny.
The film is scheduled for release in May 2016.
Sources : Cineuropa, Latina Today

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