ITALY FRANCE / Rai Com and Arte will intensify their co-productions

On July 13th a renewable two-year partnership agreement was signed in Rome between Arte and Rai Com.

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The agreement was ratified by Peter Boudgoust, Arte’s chair, Monica Maggioni, Rai’s chair, Antonio Campo dall’Orto, Rai’s managing director and Gian Paolo Tagliavia, chair of Rai Com.

Its purpose is to develop co-productions and cooperation between the Franco-German channel and the company which distributes Rai’s channels worldwide.

According to the statement released by Arte, the agreement “will enable Rai Com and Arte to commit to several quality co-productions each year, enriching both companies’ cultural offer.”

There will also be increased cooperation between Arte and Rai Com’s websites, and the two will create common digital content.

Finally, the terms of the agreement specify that a Rai Com representative can be present at Arte’s decision-making process “in an advisory capacity”.

Arte already has seven other similar partnerships with European public channels, including the Greek ERT.

Source: communiqué

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