FRANCE / New measures for the showing documentaries

On August 25th the Minister of Culture and Communication, Audrey Azoulay, officially announced the launch of a Video-on-Demand platform and the creation of a “documentary film library”.

Audrey Azoulay (à droite) était présente aux 28èmes Etats Généraux du Documentaire.

Audrey Azoulay (à droite) était présente aux 28èmes Etats Généraux du Documentaire.

These two announcements were made during the 28th States General of Documentary Film, held at Lussas in France’s Ardèche region from August 21st to 27th.

Ms. Azoulay talked first about the Video-on-Demand platform Tënk: it was put into service in July and will give a higher profile to creative documentaries. Each week, ten films will be put on-line for two months.

French documentaries have an outstanding European and world reputation,” said the Minister. “They have a loyal, passionate audience which sometimes remains unsatisfied simply because there aren’t enough distribution channels.

Audrey Azoulay also announced that “a documentary film library” would be created to “showcase the immense wealth of the documentary heritage”.

It will be housed in the Public Information Library of the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris.

According to the Minister, the aim is to provide a “sounding board” for initiatives which contribute to the conservation and showing of documentaries throughout France.

As from this week a working group appointed by the Ministry of Culture will reflect on ways of creating this film-library project.

Sources: Télé Obs, CB News, News SCAM


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