FRANCE / Jean-Marc Boero new General Secretary of INA


On November 30th Laurent Vallet, managing director of the Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA), appointed Jean-Marc Boero as General Secretary. He will take office on January 4th 2016 and will succeed Jean-Marc Auvray. Since 2003 M.Vallet has worked for the Public Sénat channel, successively as Deputy Secretary General, Director of Human Resources and Administration and then, as from June 2014, as Secretary General.

According to the statement released by INA, Jean-Marc Boero will be in charge “of administration and finance”, “institutional and international relations” and on top of that “the Institute’s six regional offices” (Lille, Marseille, Toulouse, Lyon, Strasbourg and Rennes).

Sources : communiqué, CB News

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