FRANCE / Arte: Véronique Cayla reappointed


According to a press release issued by Arte France on October 6th, the company’s supervisory board has re-appointed Véronique Cayla as chair of Arte France’s management board and Anne Durupty as Director General, both for a second five year term.

This double reappointment at the head of Arte France “will ensure the continuity necessary to continue the dynamic created in 2011. Thanks to the commitment of everyone working in the channel and the support of the state, the balance is positive, both in terms of editorial renewal and the digital development which will soon enable Arte to take a decisive step in expanding its transmissions across Europe.

These two posts having been renewed, the company’s new editorial director will be named in the coming weeks.

The Board also appointed Olivier Guillemot, current head of management and coordination, as board member of Arte France.

Source: press release Arte France


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