FRANCE / A film competition for PhD students in the PACA region

As part of the 10th Rencontres Internationales Sciences et Cinéma (RISC) in Marseilles, from November 19th to 26th, the festival organizer, an association called Polly Magoo, is launching a film competition for PhD students of the PACA region.


With a maximum length of 8 minutes, the films can be about any aspect of science – basic sciences, life sciences, medicine, environment, economics, architecture, urban planning, sociology, anthropology – but they must be directly related to the thesis the film-director candidate is writing, and must adopt a popular science approach. Only PhD students attached to a research laboratory in the PACA region are eligible.

The deadline for registering is September 30th 2016. Click here to consult the rules and send a film.

This competition also marks the 10th anniversary of PACA’s Science Culture Network, a consortium of laboratories, associations (including Polly Maggoo) and institutions which develop cultural activity aimed at helping others discover, understand and like science.

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