Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

MOROCCO / New talk-show on Medi1TV

In September, a new programme called “60 minutes pour comprendre” (60 minutes to understand) was aired on Medi1TV. It looks at two distinct aspects of national and international news, punctuated by a short report illustrating the debate. The first part focusses on national and local news while the second deals with “international news and its …

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FRANCE / Eutelsat TV Awards : the 2015 nominations

As every year, Eutelsat organizes the Eutelsat TV Awards for satellite channels broadcasting via Eutelsat, and this year more than 100 channels from 27 different countries are taking part in the competition. On September 4th and 5th the international jury – all working in the media and chaired by Duilio Giammaria, International Reporter at Rai …

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FRANCE / New channel: 2Rives TV

2Rives TV, an educational and multicultural television channel in French and Arabic, has just appeared in the French media landscape. Based in Lyon and founded by Hassan El Ouakhchachi and Marine Elek, the launch took place on September 16th. Aimed at all age groups and every audience, 2Rives TV replaces Cap Canal, a local Lyon …

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FRANCE / France Télévisions and Radio France combine to create a 24-hour news channel

As announced in a press release on September 1st, Delphine Ernotte Cunci, CEO of France Télévisions, and Mathieu Gallet, CEO of Radio France, have agreed to work together on a shared news channel. A steering committee, chaired by them both, will be set up to develop it. The project will be entrusted to Germain Dagognet, …

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TUNISIA / FTF and Attassia TV : Acquisition of broadcasting rights

The Tunisian television channel Attassia, created last spring, has agreed terms with the Tunisian Football Federation (FTF) on the broadcasting rights for the 2015-2016 soccer season. These include League 1 and League 2 matches, the Tunisia Cup and friendly matches between different national teams. The announcement was made on the FTF web-site. Sources : et …

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TUNISIA / The Journalists’ Union files a complaint against Hannibal TV

Following the dismissal of 12 journalists from the private channel Hannibal TV, the chairman of the journalists’ union, Néji Bghouri, announced at a press conference on September 22nd that “it has been decided to launch protest movements and to bring a lawsuit against Hannibal TV’s management in response to the unfair dismissals.” The union, the …

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FRANCE / TF1 sells its share of Eurosport to Discovery

In a press release dated July 22nd, the TF1 Group announced the sale of its 49% stake in Eurosport to Discovery Communications for 491 million euros. At the same time, for 14.6 million euros, the TF1 Group acquires from Discovery its 20% stake in the pay channels TV Breizh, History, Ushuaia. Discovery and the TF1 …

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