Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

BOSNIA / A last minute solution found for the EBU

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has managed to do a last-minute deal with the Bosnian public service broadcaster BHRT. As a reminder, BHRT had until June 8th to repay the EBU a debt of 6 million Swiss francs (€5.4 million). “In recent weeks talks with BHRT have been productive,” the EBU’s Director General, Ingrid Deltenre …

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TUNISIA / Attessia TV taken to court by Ben Ali

On June 10th the former Tunisian President’s lawyer announced that charges of “violation of honour and identity theft” had been filed on behalf of his client against Attessia TV, a general interest private television channel. Apparently the ousted Tunisian president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, who has been living in exile in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, …

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SPAIN / Mediaset España will broadcast Euro 2016 after all

Two weeks ago Mediaset España felt the Euro 2016 broadcasting rights were too expensive. But now the company has decided it will broadcast the competition’s matches on its channels Telecinco and Cuatro. According to the newspaper La Información, an agreement was reached with UEFA, although  some loose ends remain before the news is officially announced. …

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EGYPT / The government hopes TV series will fight drug-taking

On May 12th the Egyptian Minister of Social Solidarity, Ghada Wali, announced that the government will set up a grant of EGP 1 million (about €100,000) to produce a television series during Ramadan to help fight drug abuse in the country. The grant will be funded jointly by the Ministries of Social Solidarity and Youth …

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SPAIN / The Euro 2016 matches too expensive for broadcasters

With the European Football Championship starting in a few weeks (June 10th to July 10th), no Spanish television group has yet acquired the broadcasting rights. In late April, Mediaset España (Tele 5), the last candidate hoping to acquire them, eventually gave up, after a fruitless meeting with CAA Eleven, the agency appointed by UEFA to …

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SPAIN / First green light for the bill setting up the new RTVV

The creation of Valencia’s new regional public broadcaster has begun. The first step was taken by the broadcasting committee of the Corts Valencianes’ (Valencian parliament) when they approved the draft law to set up the group which will replace RTVV (Ràdio Televisió Valenciana), closed in 2013 for budgetary reasons. The three political parties which voted …

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FRANCE / France Télévisions preparing its SVoD plateform for 2017

In an interview with Le Monde published on May 3rd, Laetitia Recayte, France Télévisions’ Director of Business Development, revealed the group is currently creating its own SVoD service (subscription video on demand). A launch date has even been set: March 31st 2017. Presented as a general-interest platform, the new service will not be limited to …

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