Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

LIBYA / A new channel being tested at Benghazi

Transmission tests began on May 1st for Al Hadith TV, a private news channel based in Benghazi, near the Dubai Street shopping area. According to the Libya Herald website, Emirati activists are financing the channel from Abu Dhabi. Its editorial line, like the state TV channel Rasmiya, leans towards General Khalifa Haftar, currently in charge …

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ITALY / The television licence fee will be incorporated into electricity bills

On April 27th the Italian State Council finally gave the go-ahead to the government decree that the television licence fee (“canone Rai”) be included directly in electricity and gas bills. A few weeks ago, the country’s highest administrative body had reservations about this, in particular asking for a guarantee that only households possessing a television …

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FRANCE / SFR buys 49% of NextRadioTV

On April 27th, after days of rumour, a subsidiary of Patrick Drahi’s Altice group, SFR, and NextRadioTV unveiled a global convergence plan. SFR will buy Altice’s minority stake (49%) in NextRadioTV for an agreed €370 million. The telecommunications group is also negotiating the acquisition of Altice Media Group France, another of Altice’s subsidiaries, which includes …

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ROMANIA / The EBU excludes Romania from Eurovision 2016

On April 23rd the European Broadcasting Union decided to exclude Romania from the Eurovision Song Contest. TVR will not broadcast either that event or the Euro Cup soccer matches from June 10th to July 10th, in which the Romanian team will be playing. The EBU and the Romanian government failed to reach a “satisfactory agreement” …

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ROMANIA / Romanian participation in the Eurovision Contest threatened

TVR, the Romanian public television, announced in a statement that its participation in Eurovision 2016, from May 10th to 14th in Stockholm, may be rejected. It might also be denied the broadcast rights to the contest. TVR owes the European Broadcasting Union, Eurovision’s organizer, €10 million, primarily incurred between 2011 and 2012. If the debt …

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FRANCE / France Télévisions restored to a balanced budget

On April 15th the Board of Directors of France Télévisions approved the 2015 accounts, which are balanced – the first time since 2012 the group has not ended the year with a deficit. Although the provisional budget, estimated at the end of 2014, forecast a deficit of €9.8 million, the net result is actually slightly …

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ITALY / Vivendi buys Mediaset’s pay-TV platform

On April 8th the Italian group Mediaset announced the sale of its entire pay-TV subsidiary Mediaset Premium, which has two million subscribers. Vivendi’s supervisory board approved the €800 million transaction. 89% of Mediaset Premium’s capital was held by Mediaset, while the remaining 11% belonged to the Spanish group Telefonica. Furthermore, as rumoured recently, Vivendi and …

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