Category: France

News about audiovisual in France

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FRANCE / Contents of Méditerraneo in March

In Galicia, Northwest Spain, Galician has been an official language since 1983, on an equal footing with Castilian. But in reality, teachers and associations are fighting to keep this part of their identity alive. Boosting Morocco’s date harvest by using advanced research techniques: that’s why the country is investing €650 million in the sector between …

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FRANCE / Screening of “Speed Sisters” at the Alcazar

The CMCA invites you to a screening of «Speed Sisters», on Thursday March 10th at 5:00pm at the Bibliothèque de l’Alcazar (58, cours Belsunce – Marseille 1). Free entry within the limit of places available. SPEED SISTERS by Amber Fares (79 minutes, 2015) Averroès Junior Award, 2M and RAI3 Broadcasting Award at the 2015 PriMed. …

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FRANCE / The Cartoon movie festival returns to Lyons

From February 13th to March 4th, Lyons became the European capital of animated film with its festival “Cartoon movie”.

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BELGIUM / Registration open for the FIFF of Namur

Handy with a camera? Short or feature-length film-maker? Mad about French-language films? Register your film for the 26th FIFF of Namur.

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FRANCE / Aubagne, European capital of film music

The 17th Aubagne International Film Festival will be held from March 14th to 19th. And if we told you that in a film, the music is as important as the image? The Aubagne International Film Festival has got the message. It is the only European film festival which puts film music in the spotlight, centre …

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FRANCE / Call for CineHorizontes projects

Marseille: 2016 Script Writer’s Residency in the Cité Radieuse. Horizontes del Sur is an association which annually organizes Marseille’s Spanish Film Festival, and in 2013 the Mayor of Marseille created a script writer’s residency in the building designed by the legendary Le Corbusier, the Cité Radieuse.

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FRANCE / New nomination to France Télévisions

France Televisions and the whole team of the Direction of international relations and cooperation are pleased to inform you of the appointement of tis new Head : Jérôme CATHALA, replacing Hervé MICHEL, who has claimed his pension rights.

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