News about Festivals in Mediterranean

SPAIN / The Arab and Mediterranean Film Festival of Catalonia launches its call for films

The 13th Arab and Mediterranean Film Festival of Catalonia will be held from November 7th to 17th 2019 in Barcelona. This year the films will no longer be presented according to their nationality, the section “Pais” (country) being replaced by “In perspective”. The new programming will look at various themes and help us see them …

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ITALY / Many new things for the Integrazione Film Festival

The festival “C’è tempo per…l’integrazione” has changed its name for this 13th edition, and becomes the Integrazione Film Festival. Based in Bergamo and Sarnico (Italy), the festival programmes films about integration, identity and intercultural relations. Five days are devoted to these issues, with screenings and events taking place from Wednesday 10th  to Sunday 14th April. …

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LEBANON / Look back at the 2nd Beirut International Women Film Festival

Organized by the Beirut Film Society, the festival of women film-makers took place in the Lebanese capital from March 10th to 15th. During the opening night at the Casino du Liban, a tribute was paid to Lebanese actress Waffa Tarabay, a talented artist with a distinguished career in Lebanese films, television and theatre. During the …

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ITALY / The Middle East Now festival celebrates its 10th anniversary !

Middle East Now

From April 2nd to 7th Florence is hosting the 10th Middle East Now festival. Dedicated to films and contemporary culture in the Middle East and North Africa, this Italian festival also offers photographic exhibitions, concerts and installations. Love and Revenge, a live performance by the Lebanese duo Rayess Bek and Randa Mirza, opens the festival …

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MOROCCO / Tangier hosts the Cap Spartel Film Festival

The Cap Spartel Film Festival for short films, now in its 6th year, will run in the Moroccan city from March 27th to 30th. Organized by the Observatoire Marocain de l’Image et des Médias, the festival chooses a particular theme each year and then examines it through films and lectures. This year the chosen theme …

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SPAIN / 22nd Malaga Film Festival

Festival de Malaga

This festival of Spanish-language films, created in 1998, is held in Málaga from Friday March 15th to Sunday 24th. A showcase for the national and Latin American film industries, this year it received more than 2,400 films from 59 countries. From these, 210 have been selected. In the official selection, 22 films are in the …

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FRANCE / 22 films at the Festival of North African Film on Corsica

Festival des cinémas du Maghreb

From March 7th to 17th Corsica has been revealing the wealth of North African cinema with the 3rd Cinémaghreb. This festival takes place in 5 cities across the island: Ajaccio, Porto-Vecchio, Ile-Rousse, Corte and Prunelli di Fium’Orbu. Organized by APTCA – Association Populaire des Tunisien(ne)s de Corse et Ami(e)s, it hopes to act as “a …

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