ALGERIA / The CADC makes some films available

Like many similar organisations, the Centre Algérien de Développement du Cinéma (CADC) has decided to make culture more accessible during the lockdown by posting several of their films, including shorts, online.

CADC logo

First up was Anis Djaâd’s Passage à niveau which can be found on the CADC Youtube channel.

Four other films can also be found on the CADC website :

Le Patio de Sid Ali Mazif. The film follows a group of single women “each haunted by the memory of or desire for a man, the great absent-but-present in their closed universe. For each the challenge is to overcome the situation, not as a fatality but as a choice. How far is this possible?

Lazbida Ouenes by Yahia Mouzahem. The director tells the story of “Lla Zbida [who] suspects her husband of wanting to marry one of their young, attractive neighbours. Rather than submit to such a fate after years of sacrifice, she decides to confront what’s happening and do something about it. A story which takes us deep into her world and reveals the situation of women.”

Le Puits by Lofti Bouchouchi. This feature film shows life in a village in 1960: “French soldiers suspect a village in the south of Algeria has welcomed the mujahideen, who have recently decimated a French unit. The village is surrounded by the French. Unable to reach their well, the villagers face slow death by thirst…”

L’Emir Adbelkader by Salem Brahimi, a documentary which traces the history of the emir Abd El Kader.

Sources :
Facebook page of the Centre Algérien de Développement du Cinéma

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