ALGERIA / Seven projects for short films supported

Ministère de la Culture et des Arts Algérien

As part of a training course organized by the Centre algérien de développement du cinéma (CADC), seven scripts, from among fifty submitted, have been selected to be put into production.

All by young female writers, these scripts were presented during a masterclass at the Palais de la Culture Moufdi-Zakaria. Their subject-matter is varied – covering the environment, the place of women in society, mythology and illness. Rachid Benhadj, a director and trainer within the organisation, believes all these films could be shown together as a single feature, since they show “several aspects of Algerian women.”

The Minister of Culture and Arts, Soraya Mouloudji, in a text read by her advisor, Nabil Hadji, paid tribute to the pioneers of Algerian cinema, expressing her ministry’s great interest “in women’s creativity in different artistic disciplines.”

Sources: Algérie Presse Service, Dzair Scoop

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