ALGERIA / Launch of the magazine Cinémathèque

Centre Algérien de la Cinématographie

In February the Centre Algérien de la Cinématographie launched the first issue of Cinémathèque.

This quarterly magazine is supervised by Adel Mekhalfia, who runs the Cinémathèque d’Alger. “The aim,” he explains, “is to provide readers with a comprehensive and stimulating overview of the cinematographic landscape, while celebrating the talents which shape it.

According to the Algerian Minister of Culture and Arts, Zouhir Ballalou, the magazine is “another example of the interest given by the Algerian state to any cultural and artistic endeavour aimed at excellence and creativity.”

This first issue features a look back at the two-day national conference on the film industry . There is also an interview with the director of the Institut National Supérieur du Cinéma, a portrait of the critic Ahmed Bedjaoui and two academic contributions.

During the presentation, Adel Mekhalfia asked for contributions from journalists, critics and film buffs. He also hopes to offer future issues in French and English.

Sources: Algérie Presse Service, Horizons

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