ALGERIA / Government threat to close private television stations

algerie_drapeauIn a statement the ministry of communications has warned the heads of some private television channels (Ennahar TV, Echorouk TV, Dzair TV, DjazairiaTV and El Hogar TV) about broadcasting violent programmes and trivializing violence. The Algerian government has asked the heads of these channels, “to immediately take strict measures” to remove from the programme schedules “scenes contrary to our traditions and our religious values ​​which forbid violence in all its forms and which sanctify the Algerian family living in peace and serenity.” He adds that “the supervisory bodies will remain vigilant to programmes broadcast, to ensure the effective implementation of the recommended measures to correct them.” Failure to comply with this request will be penalized by taking “legal measures”, possibly temporarily “withdrawing authorization” for their activity on Algerian territory. This warning comes after Echorouk TV’s broadcast of Otages, a hidden camera programme simulating hostages being taken by a terrorist group.

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