FRANCE EGYPT / The PriMed’s Prix des Jeunes de la Méditerranée makes a first call in Egypt

The first event for this year’s PriMed took place in Egypt, with the CMCA meeting a total of 400 young people in Cairo, Alexandria and Port Said to discuss how they see their place in the Mediterranean world. To help the students sharpen their critical sense and express their opinions, the meetings were guided and assessed by the head of Francophone Activities at the Bibliotheca Alexandria, Marwa El Sahn, by film critic Hala El Mawi and the CMCA’s acting director, Valérie Gerbault. First, the sixth formers from Cairo, Alexandria and Port Said watched three documentaries, then discussed them, wrote down their comments and voted for their favourite.

Four young jurors were chosen from among them to come to Marseille later this year to participate in PriMed. They were selected for their ability to think and express themselves clearly, the quality of their writing and their analysis of the films. Coming to Marseille will be an opportunity for them to meet other sixth formers from across the Mediterranean Region.

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