TUNISIA / Cinéma Fi 7oumetna 2020

The Fédération Tunisienne des Ciné-clubs, in partnership with Tfanen, Creative Tunisia, organized the 2020 edition of its neighbourhood cinema project Cinéma fi 7oumetna. This year it began on July 3rd and closed on August 30th,travelling to 12 different regions of Tunisia. This year’s slogan: Grands Écrans avec des Petites Mains (Large Screens with Small Hands).

Fi 7oumetna

The programme consisted of various projects, including film screenings and training workshops for adults and children.

In keeping with their slogan – Large Screens with Small Hands – a “Small creative hands” workshop was offered to schoolchildren from six of the regions, giving them the chance to find out about and use the animation technique of Stop Motion. At one of Cinema fi 7oumetna’s first stopping points, a village called Douz, over 400 people came to watch the animated film made by the local kids in the workshop.

Cinéma fi 7oumetna was created by the Fédération Tunisienne des Ciné-clubs in 2015. Over the years, it has grown and evolved from a spontaneous experiment into an established festival taking films and film culture across the country.

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