157 results for arab world

FRANCE / Arab stars celebrated at the Institut du Monde Arabe

Divas Arabes IMA

The Institut du Monde Arabe (IMA) honours the Arab world’s best female singers and film actresses of the last century. From Fayrouz to Dalida, from North Africa to the Middle East, the exhibition traces the social and political history of these Arab performers, producers and artists, the cultural changes they brought about through their commitment and the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-arab-stars-celebrated-at-the-institut-du-monde-arabe/?lang=en

TUNISIA PALESTINE / Two Arab directors pre-selected for the 93rd Oscars

Oscars 2021

The Tunisian Kaouther Ben Hania and the British-born Palestinian Farah Nabulsi are the two Arab women directors in competition for the 93rd Academy Awards.  “The Man Who Sold His Skin” by Kaouther Ben Hania Kaouther Ben Hania’s “The Man Who Sold His Skin” is one of 15 films competing for the Oscar for Best International Feature. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-palestine-two-arab-directors-pre-selected-for-the-93rd-oscars/?lang=en

NORTH AFRICA / The new jurors of the Critics’ Awards for Arab Films

The Arab Cinema Centre (ACC) has enlarged its jury for the 4th Critics’ Awards for Arab Films. Originally there were just 75 jurors, then 67 new members were added, making a committee of 142 critics from 57 countries in five continents, the largest jury in any competition of Arab world films. Last September the ACC …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/north-africa-the-new-jurors-of-the-critics-awards-for-arab-films/?lang=en

SPAIN / 12th Catalonia Festival of Arab and Mediterranean Film

Mostra du Cinéma Arabe et Méditerranéen de Catalogne

The 12th Catalonia Festival of Arab and Mediterranean Film opened on November 8th in Barcelona with the screening of Daily life in a Syrian village, a film by the great director and writer Omar Amiralay. This documentary made in 1974 with the playwright Saadallah Wannous had been banned in Syria. By showing the daily life …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/spain-12th-catalonia-festival-of-arab-and-mediterranean-film/?lang=en

JORDAN / 24th Franco-Arab Film Festival

The 24th Franco-Arab Film Festival was held from June 24th to July 1st in Amman. 11 films from the Middle East (Iraq, Jordan, Palestine) and North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia) were screened, as well as some French films. This year the themes were migration, justice and freedom. The festival is organized by the Institut …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/jordan-24th-franco-arab-film-festival/?lang=en

EGYPT / First festival at the Arab Cinema Centre

The Arab Cinema Centre (ACC), created by MAD Solutions, is launching a series of festivals around the world to promote Arab culture and heritage. Based in Cairo, the ACC is the first pan-Arab studio which creates, promotes and distributes Arabic content to and from the Arab world. Its first festival, “Mad 3araby” will be held …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-first-festival-at-the-arab-cinema-centre/?lang=en

SAUDI ARABIA / The MBC group broadcasting a series about Isis

On May 26th, the first day of Ramadan, the Saudi group Middle East Broadcasting Centre (MBC) broadcast the first episode of a series called Black Crows. It re-creates the massacres committed within the Islamic State (Isis), denouncing their methods of action and organization. The series tries to show as truthfully as possible the daily life …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/mbc-group-broadcasting-a-series-about-isis/?lang=en