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MEDITERRANEAN / Mediterranean candidates for the 2017 Oscars

With registration for the 2017 Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film now closed, most Mediterranean countries have submitted a film to represent them. Only films released in their country between October 1st 2015 and September 30th 2016 are eligible. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will make a first short-list by the end …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/mediterranean-mediterranean-candidates-for-the-2017-oscars/?lang=en

FRANCE / A revised version of the Euronews web-site

The interface and layout of the Euronews web-site has just been completely made over. The pan-European channel based in Lyon now offers users an experience in keeping with its slogan: “All views”. The aim, according to the Euronews press-release, is that by combining many different sources of information from around the world – articles, quotes, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-a-revised-version-of-the-euronews-web-site/?lang=en

ISRAEL / An American version of i24news being studied

In a year’s time Israel’s non-stop news channel, i24news, owned by Patrick Drahi, should have an American version. The Franco-Israeli businessman announced this to the press on June 22nd. He was in New York to sign the purchase of Cablevision System, a leader in US cable operators, for nearly $18 billion. Distributed by local operators, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/israel-an-american-version-of-i24news-being-studied/?lang=en

FRANCE / RFI launches a web-site to learn French

On June 17th the French public radio RFI (France Médias Monde) launched a new web-site for those wishing to learn the French language: RFI Savoirs (http://savoirs.rfi.fr). Aimed at the general public as much as education professionals, the site offers “keys to understanding the world in French”, presented as themed dossiers going deeper into current affairs …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-rfi-launches-a-web-site-to-learn-french/?lang=en

Selection for PriMed 2016 : First Film category

The following is the selection for PriMed 2016 in the First Film category : – LES DERNIERS NOMADES by Hamdi BEN AHMED – LORO DI NAPOLI by Pierfrancesco LI DONNI – MURAT, LE GÉOGRAPHE by Samuele PELLECCHIA – WHEELS OF WAR by Rami KODEIH     PriMed is the International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/selection-for-primed-2016-first-film-category/?lang=en

Selection for PriMed 2016 : Art, Heritage and Cultures category

The following is the selection for PriMed 2016 in the Mediterranean Art, Heritage and Cultures category : – ARABIC MOVIE by Eyal SAGUI BEZAWIE and Sara TSIFRONI – CHŒURS EN EXIL by Nathalie ROSSETTI and Turi FINOCCHIARO – TISSEUSES DE RÊVES by Fatima Ithri IRHOUDANE – TONI CATANY. LE TEMPS ET LES CHOSES by Cesc …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/selection-for-primed-2016-art-heritage-and-cultures-category/?lang=en