140 results for middle east

TUNISIA / Arab Festival for Radio and Television

The only one of its kind in the Middle East, the Gulf countries and North Africa, the Arab Festival of Radio and Television is celebrating its 16th year between May 11th and 16th in the seaside resort of Hammamet, 65 kilometres south of Tunis. The Festival is organized by the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/tunisia-arab-festival-for-radio-and-television/?lang=en

BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Co-production grants from Sarajevo City of Film Fund

The Sarajevo City of Film Fund, run by the Sarajevo Film Festival, has just launched a call for entries. The Fund helps feature film co-productions between south eastern Europe and the Middle East, North Africa, North and South America, India and East Asia. That is, markets outside the region covered by Eurimages and Creative Europe. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/bosnie-herzegovine-fonds-daide-a-la-coproduction-de-la-ville-de-sarajevo-operationnel-2/?lang=en

UK / Alchemiya

Alchemiya, Britain’s new digital television channel, is due to launch early this year, with a remit to present Middle Eastern news in a positive light. Based in London and founded by Navid Akhtar, this new media start-up will try to change people’s perception of the Muslim world. But despite its emphasis on Islam, the channel …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/great-britain-alchemiya/?lang=en


On this page you can see, in chronological order, the schedule of Euro-Mediterranean festivals attentive to the development distribution of mediterranean documentary films. Click here to see the festivals and film markets of July / December

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/festivals-and-film-market-in-mediterranean-from-january-to-june/?lang=en

Lebanon / Project to re-open a theatre and cinema in Tripoli

Logo Tiro

With the help of his NGO Tiro for Arts, Lebanese actor/director Kassem Istanbouli is restoring Tripoli’s Empire Cinema. Dating from the 1940’s the Empire is the last cinema still standing in Tell Square – where there used to be five. It has been closed since 1988. Even though Tripoli is the Lebanon’s second largest city …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/lebanon-project-to-re-open-a-theatre-and-cinema-in-tripoli/?lang=en

JORDAN / “Al Rawabi School for Girls”, a new Netflix series in Arabic

Al Arawabi School for Girls

“Al Rawabi School for Girls” is the latest Arabic-language series from streaming giant Netflix. The central character of the 6-episode young adult miniseries is Mariam, a teenage girl at a prestigious high school for girls in Amman. A victim of bullying at school, she decides to take revenge on the popular students who persecute her …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/al-rawabi/?lang=en

CROATIA / “Cinema under Siege” voted best documentary project at the Sunny Side of the Doc

Cinema Under Siege

The documentary “Cinema under Siege” won the Best Project Award in the Talent Hub Central & Eastern Europe section at the 2021 Sunny Side of the Doc co-production market. The film by Srđan Šarenac is about a group of artists in 1993 determined to organize the first Sarajevo Film Festival despite the siege of Sarajevo. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/cinema-under-siege/?lang=en