ITALY / The Italian television market is rising, according to a report by the APA

Giancarlo Leone, chair of the Associazione produttori televisivi, presented a report on the Italian broadcasting industry during a study day for media professionals at Rome’s Ara Pacis Auditorium.

The report, the first of its kind, is based on studies of broadcasting production by various research institutes such as E-Media or Geca Italia. It finds national production is in good health, in particular with an increased amount of drama. Including films and series, drama alone represents 38% of the broadcasting market, estimated at €1 billion.

The report also reflects increased foreign capital investment in Italian companies and a greater international presence in Italian independent projects. Thanks to platforms such as Netflix and Amazon, Italian productions are also proving very successful abroad,. The Young Pope, My Brilliant Friend, The Name of the Rose, The Miracle are all Italian series which have done well with an international audience.

The collected data made it possible to identify more than 7,000 active companies working in all sectors of broadcasting production. Geographically, the largest number of companies is, unsurprisingly, in the Lazio and Lombardy regions, where Rome and Milan are located.


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