FRANCE – MOROCCO / Signing a film co-production agreement between France and Morocco

Signature d’un accord de coproduction cinématographique entre la France et le Maroc

On May 18th, during the 77th Cannes Film Festival, a co-production agreement was signed by Rachida DATI, the French Culture Minister and Mohamed Mehdi BENSAID, the Moroccan Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication.

The agreement replaces one signed in 1977 and will offer producers in both countries “a modernized framework, in keeping with contemporary production practices and encouraging new partnerships between the two industries.”

During the signing Rachida Dati said: “Morocco is an ideal destination for films set in the Near or Middle East because it has very competent professionals and an environment both welcoming and reassuring from the security point of view. I encourage French producers to think about Morocco for their projects and I hope that this new agreement will allow more co-productions with this beautiful, very French-speaking country. And I remind you that Moroccan directors can present their projects for support from the French CNC which regularly supports them.”

Sources: CNC, Satellifacts

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