CROATIA / Call for films: 13th ZFF

zagreb_filmThe Zagreb Film Festival, to be held in that town from November 14th to 22nd, has opened its call for applications.

As every year, the idea driving the festival is to present and promote first films and new film-makers.There are three competitive categories: international feature films (first or second film), international short films (first or second film) and short films from new Croatian film-makers (Checkers section).

This year, only drama films will compete, documentary films being screened in different categories, out of competition. Audiences will discover a selection of British, French, German, Italian and Spanish films in the “The Great Five”. The accent in “My First Film” is on first-time Bosnian directors, while children can enjoy the films shown in “Bib for Kids” and teenagers have their films in “Bib PLUS”.

The festival will also feature workshops and conferences geared towards young directors. One of these workshops, “My First Script” will help participants write a first film.

Applications for the international category must be sent in before August 15th, while those for “Checkers”, exclusively for Croatian film-makers, have until September 20th. Registration and additional information on the festival web-site:

Sources: et


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