All informatons for producers in Mediterranean

ITALY FRANCE / Mediawan ready for the second stage of buying Palomar


In mid-January the French media group Mediawan announced it had bought a majority stake in Palomar (read our article here). Italy’s largest independent producer, Palomar sold 53% of its capital during an initial acquisition phase, finalized at the end of February and announced in a press release. By the end of the second stage, Mediawan …

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SPAIN / MadridCreaLab launches its call for projects


The Madrid programme has launched its 8th call for projects. MadridCreaLab was conceived as a laboratory for script development, selecting projects for feature-length dramas, animation, documentary and experimental films — but it also sees itself as a place for writers, directors and producers to meet and exchange ideas. The programme has four stages, from July …

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GREECE / Docs in Thessaloniki, launch pad for young documentary makers

Docs in Thessaloniki

A five-day programme for pitching projects, Docs in Thessaloniki, takes place from March 1st to 5th as part of the 21st Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival. It helps the selected production teams become part of the European and international documentary market. There are three stages: development, rewriting and pitching to potential backers. 21 documentary projects from …

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BULGARIA / Increased public financing for minority co-productions and national productions

Bulgarian National Film Center

The Bulgarian National Film Centre has announced an increase in its budget for production support. Unchanged for 3 years, it will increase by 11.5% in 2019, from €6.74 million to €7.52 million. The budget will be split between five categories: feature films, feature-length documentaries, short films, animated films and “small budget” films. The fund allocated …

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SERBIA / Increased finance to attract international productions

Film in Serbia

The 2019 budget for financial incentives for production has increased to €7.5 million from €6.7 million in 2018. The incentives in question are rebates of 25% offered to foreign producers who shoot their films in Serbia. More than 100 projects have benefited since its creation in 2016. Thanks to these tax incentives, productions spent a …

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GREECE / Call for projects for the MFI Script 2 Film Workshops

MFI Script 2 Film Workshops

The Mediterranean Film Institute has launched a call to participate in the MFI Script 2 Film Workshops. These script and project development workshops are aimed at creative teams of writers, directors and producers – either European or international. They focus on narrative development for different formats: feature films, television series and documentaries. The participants will …

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FRANCE / Martigues – the new Hollywood. Thanks to Provence Studios

Provence studios

For the past four years, one film has followed one another at Provence Studios. In 2018 this film studio on an industrial estate in Martigues, 40 km from Marseille, hosted 104 films. Almost ten times more than four years ago, when Olivier Marchetti initiated the project in dis-used warehouses on a 22-hectare site. With an …

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