Latest breaking news and information about mediterranean televisions and institutions

TUNISIA / Broadcasting watchdog rejects dismissal of Tunisian Television’s CEO

In a press release published on its web-site on June 21st, the HAICA (Haute Autorité Indépendante de la Communication Audiovisuelle) rejected the government’s decision to fire Elyes Gharbi, CEO of Télévision Tunisienne. Signed by Nouri Lajmi, the Tunisian broadcasting watchdog’s chairman, the announcement came after the HAICA Council meeting on June 17th, the day after …

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SPAIN / TV and telecoms operators must continue to pay the “RTVE tax”


On June 16th the appeal court of the Spanish Supreme Court rejected an appeal lodged by the main television and telecoms operators against the “RTVE tax”, a tax which obliges them to help finance the public broadcasting group. Redtel (Asociación Espanola de Operadores Telecomunicaciones), DTS (Canal Plus), Telefónica, Cable Europa (Vodafone) and Tenaria joined forces …

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TUNISIA / The CEO of Télévision Tunisienne fired

Elyes Gharbi has been dismissed as the head of Tunisian public television, a decision made on June 16th by Youssef Chahed, Head of the Tunisian Government. The day before, June 15th, the main evening news on premier channel Wataniya 1 was delayed by an hour and a half, a first in the channel’s history. Afterwards …

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ITALY / 2017 summer season of “Doc3” begins on Rai3

The summer schedule for Rai3’s independent documentaries has been announced. From June 22nd to September 14th a dozen films will be broadcast every Thursday evening in the second part of the evening. The common thread is that they all tell stories from across the world, and each is told by the men and women who …

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ITALY / Vivendi launches an Italian production subsidiary

The French media company Vivendi has announced that by the end of the month it will create a subsidiary in Italy, where for more than a year a legal dispute has pitted it against the Italian group Mediaset. The news was announced by Arnaud de Puyfontaine, Chairman of Vivendi’s Executive Board. The subsidiary, named simply …

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TUNISIA / Television programmes during Ramadan

Every year during Ramadan, Tunisian television channels renew their programmes to ensure good ratings. Attessia TV’s “El Masque“ In a press conference, Elyess Gharbi, chair and managing director of Tunisian Television, announced the budget for this year’s Ramadan schedule was 4.5 million dinars. New Tunisian productions Among the new local productions, the major public channel, …

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SAUDI ARABIA / The MBC group broadcasting a series about Isis

On May 26th, the first day of Ramadan, the Saudi group Middle East Broadcasting Centre (MBC) broadcast the first episode of a series called Black Crows. It re-creates the massacres committed within the Islamic State (Isis), denouncing their methods of action and organization. The series tries to show as truthfully as possible the daily life …

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