Category: Italy

News about audiovisual in Italy

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ITALY / Netflix plans three new Italian series

After the success of two original series, Suburra and Baby, Netflix continues to invest in the Italian market. On March 29th the American giant announced three new Italian series, including two adaptations. Kelly Luegenbiehl, vice-president of original series for Europe and Africa, said: “These new projects are all very different and will all be shot …

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ITALY / Many new things for the Integrazione Film Festival

The festival “C’è tempo per…l’integrazione” has changed its name for this 13th edition, and becomes the Integrazione Film Festival. Based in Bergamo and Sarnico (Italy), the festival programmes films about integration, identity and intercultural relations. Five days are devoted to these issues, with screenings and events taking place from Wednesday 10th  to Sunday 14th April. …

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ITALY / The Italian television market is rising, according to a report by the APA

Giancarlo Leone, chair of the Associazione produttori televisivi, presented a report on the Italian broadcasting industry during a study day for media professionals at Rome’s Ara Pacis Auditorium. The report, the first of its kind, is based on studies of broadcasting production by various research institutes such as E-Media or Geca Italia. It finds national …

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ITALY / The Middle East Now festival celebrates its 10th anniversary !

Middle East Now

From April 2nd to 7th Florence is hosting the 10th Middle East Now festival. Dedicated to films and contemporary culture in the Middle East and North Africa, this Italian festival also offers photographic exhibitions, concerts and installations. Love and Revenge, a live performance by the Lebanese duo Rayess Bek and Randa Mirza, opens the festival …

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ITALY / Rai’s Board of Directors approves the business plan 2019-2021


Chaired by Marcello Foa, Rai’s Board of Directors met on March 6th. It reviewed and approved the 2019-2021 business plan, which focuses on programme content and the needs of users, while continuing to meet its service contract obligations. Managing Director Fabrizio Salini briefed the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors on the outline of …

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ITALY FRANCE / Mediawan ready for the second stage of buying Palomar


In mid-January the French media group Mediawan announced it had bought a majority stake in Palomar (read our article here). Italy’s largest independent producer, Palomar sold 53% of its capital during an initial acquisition phase, finalized at the end of February and announced in a press release. By the end of the second stage, Mediawan …

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ITALY / Filming “Rosa, Pietra e Stella” in Naples and Portici

Rosa, Pietra e Stella

The filming of Rosa, Pietra e Stella began on February 25th and will continue over 5 weeks between Naples and Portici. The film is the first feature by Italian film-maker Marcello Sannino, until now well-known for documentaries, especially Napoli 24, released in 2010 and Corde, produced in 2009. In Rosa, Pietra e Stella, he shows …

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