“In Between”, Palestinian director Maysaloun Hamoud’s first feature film, was released in French cinemas in mid-April. Although the film has been praised by international critics and won awards at several festivals (Haifa, San Sebastian, Toronto), this has not prevented the 35-year-old Palestinian film-maker, born in Budapest and raised in Dir-Hana, Israel, from receiving death threats …
Category: CINEMA
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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/israel-palestine-in-between-a-first-film-by-maysaloun-hamoud/?lang=en
Call for candidates for the URTI Grand Prix for Independent Documentary
The Union Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale (URTI), in partnership with UNESCO and every international broadcasting organization, is organizing the 36th International Grand Prix of Independent Documentary – the Arman Trophy. The competition honours the best independent, creative documentaries with 4 awards: the Grand Prix (500 dollars to the award winning director), Silver Medal, Bronze Medal …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/call-for-candidates-for-the-urti-grand-prix-for-independent-documentary/?lang=en
CYPRUS / Support for 23 Cypriot film projects
The Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture has unveiled which film projects will receive funding in 2016-2017. Answerable to the Ministry, the 9-member Cinema Advisory Committee has decided to fund 23 projects: 9 as part of a writing programme for shorts and feature films, 14 in a programme to help short film production. The funding …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/cyprus-support-for-23-cypriot-film-projects/?lang=en
MOROCCO / Film production has brought 280 million dirhams into Morocco
Morocco is now one of the leading film locations in the world, whether for cinema or television, for big budgets or small productions. In April 2015 The Guardian even called Morocco the second best international base for making films. The Centre Cinématographique Marocain announced that in 2016 MAD 280 million (about €26 million) had been …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/morocco-film-production-has-brought-280-million-dirhams-into-morocco/?lang=en
IRAN SPAIN / Ashgar Farhadi’s new film in pre-production
Iranian director Ashgar Farhadi is currently preparing his next film in Spain. Starring Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem, it will be co-produced by Pedro Almodovar’s production company “El Deseo”. Farhadi is currently in Spain finishing the script. Although as yet the film has no title, we know it looks at the difficulties of a family …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/iran-spain-ashgar-farhadis-new-film-in-pre-production/?lang=en
EGYPT FRANCE / The CMCA collaborates on Bokra Sawa’s new project
The Bokra Sawa association is offering a multimedia workshop for young people from Marseilles and its surrounding areas. The workshop will build on the use of new media and digital tools to document the role of women in the public space and thus train participants in street journalism. The project began in January in Alexandria …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/egypt-france-the-cmca-collaborates-on-bokra-sawas-new-project/?lang=en
FRANCE / The CMCA at the Villa Méditerranée for the French-language celebrations
As part of the week celebrating the French language and its use world-wide (March 18th to 26th), the Aix-Marseille Academy is organizing a programme which involves more than 300 students from the Academy plus 8 similar institutions from Algeria, the Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. The CMCA and the Villa Méditerranée / Avitem are …
Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/france-the-cmca-at-the-villa-mediterranee-for-the-french-language-celebrations/?lang=en