Audiovisual in Paca and Mediterranean

PACA-MEDITERRANEE-AUDIOVISFind here all news about audiovisual in the PACA region : filming, co- productions , financing film funds, projects …

This space is dedicated to all audiovisual professionals operating in the PACA region . With this page Mediterranean Audiovisual offers a free web space to promote your activity and your exchanges. In this way we want to improve the audiovisual cooperation in the Mediterranean region .

Don’t hesitate to contact us  to promote your film projects , coproductions calls, co- financing of projects , professional research , etc.

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→ Click here to discover the cinema register of the region SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, which lists production companies, movie theaters, film commissions…


FRANCE / 22nd PriMed: a second look at the Award Ceremony – in images

The 22nd PriMed, the Festival of the Mediterranean in images, ended with the gala award-giving ceremony at the Le Prado cinema. This festive celebration was accompanied by a Marseille group, Radio Babel, and was attended by members of the jury, the competing directors, high school students and community representatives. Another look...(...) »

FRANCE / 13th Rencontres Films Femmes Méditerranée

The film festival dedicated to female Mediterranean film-makers closed on October 21st at La Ciotat, after a huge success in Marseilles earlier in the month. 45 films were shown at this, the 13th Rencontres Films Femmes Méditerranée – dramas and documentaries, short and long – including 3 in pre-release and 10...(...) »

FRANCE / 29th FIDMarseille

Every year in early July, FIDMarseille (Festival International de Cinéma de Marseille), directed by Jean-Pierre Rehm, offers a programme of 150 films to nearly 25,000 spectators in cinemas, theatres, libraries, art galleries and outdoor amphitheatres across Marseille. The festival presents a large number of documentary films as well as dramas. FIDMarseille...(...) »

FRANCE / Pre-release screening in Marseilles of the series “Noces Rouges”

The first three episodes of the series “Noces Rouges” (Red Weddings) were screened at 7pm on July 12th, at the Prado cinema in Marseilles, with some of the actors present. Written by Jeanne Le Guillou and Bruno Dega and directed by Marwen Abdallah, the series’ opening scenes show a young woman,...(...) »

FRANCE / Release of “L'Homme Dauphin, sur les traces de Jacques Mayol”

Released in 1988 and filmed in the Mediterranean, “Le Grand Bleu” or Big Blue was inspired by the work of Jacques Mayol, a diver who loved nature – and dolphins in particular. Mayol became the first person to descend 100 metres without breathing equipment. “Big Blue” has influenced several generations...(...) »

FRANCE / 20th Grasse Film Festival

The Grasse Film Festival was held from April 17th to 20th. Of the nearly 750 films sent in from many countries, 7 short and 9 feature films were screened, including 5 having a first showing. The idea for the festival came in 1999 during a training course for high school...(...) »

FRANCE / 9th edition of the “La première fois” festival

The 9th “La première fois”, a festival for long, medium-length and short films, was held in Aix en Provence and Marseille from February 20th to 24th. All the films were first documentaries. This year’s guest of honour, Jean-Gabriel Périot, gave a masterclass on the first day, which was followed by the...(...) »

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