720 results for france

EUROPE / UNIC presents its update on attendance in European cinemas in 2017

Cinema attracts more and more people in Europe, that at least is the conclusion of the International Union of Cinemas’ annual survey. The provisional update was released on February 14th, a more detailed report on the region will be available in the spring. Some Mediterranean countries show a clear increase in cinema attendance, for example …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/europe-unic-presents-its-update-on-attendance-in-european-cinemas-in-2017-2/?lang=en

GERMANY / Several Mediterranean films shown at the 2018 Berlinale

logo Berlinale 2018

On Thursday February 15th the 68th edition of the famous film festival opened in Berlin. Several Mediterranean films are in the running in the different categories. France, Italy, the Lebanon, Spain and Portugal have the most productions or co-productions made in the region (15 for France, 10 for Italy, 9 for Lebanon and 6 each …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/europe-unic-presents-its-update-on-attendance-in-european-cinemas-in-2017/?lang=en

PriMed proud to present Manon Loizeau’s film “Syrie, le cri étouffé”.

As part of the 21st PriMed, Manon Loizeau was at Marseille’s Bibliothèque de l’Alcazar on Thursday November 23rd to present her film. The Centre Méditerranéen de la Communication Audiovisuelle (CMCA), the festival organizer, is proud to have shown this heart-rending documentary about a situation as intolerable as it is revolting. The PriMed jury awarded it …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-proud-to-present-manon-loizeaus-film-syrie-cri-etouffe/?lang=en

PriMed 2017 / The awards ceremony

21st PriMed – Special report The award winners – More than 2,500 6th formers involved in PriMed 1,000 members of the public vote for the Audience Award – The award ceremony itself   Hosted by Laurent Menel, the 21st PriMed’s awards ceremony was on Friday, November 24th at the Villa Méditerranée. A true celebration of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-the-awards-ceremony/?lang=en

PriMed 2017 / More than 2,500 6th formers took part in PriMed

21st PriMed – Special report The award winners – More than 2,500 6th formers involved in PriMed 1,000 members of the public vote for the Audience Award – The award ceremony itself Sixth formers from schools in the PACA region, Switzerland and across the whole Mediterranean (Algeria, Egypt, Italy, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia) took part in …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-more-than-2500-6th-formers-took-part-in-primed/?lang=en

PriMed 2017 / The winners

21st PriMed – Special report The award winners – More than 2,500 6th formers involved in PriMed 1,000 members of the public vote for the Audience Award – The award ceremony itself   11 awards were given at the end of the 21st PriMed, including 3 Broadcasting Awards. The festival jury particularly praised the films …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/primed-2017-the-winners/?lang=en

SPAIN / The government wants to take control of the media in Catalonia

Having activated Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution on Saturday October 21st, suspending Catalonia’s autonomy, Madrid now wants to place the Catalan public broadcasters under state supervision, including the television channel TV3. This measure would allow the Madrid government to put new leaders in place at TV3 and dismiss those currently in office. In a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://mediterranee-audiovisuelle.com/espagne-gouvernement-veut-prendre-controle-medias-catalans/?lang=en